Cancellation Conditions

When you book a hotel outside Ireland with SuperValu Getaway Breaks, you will be charged the full amount of your stay at the time of booking.

The cancellation policy may vary depending on the hotel and room type you book, and there are individual cancellation conditions for different rooms. It is important to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions that apply to the hotel room you want to book before you make the purchase.

To view the cancellation policy for the hotel room you are interested in, please do the following:

1. Search for the city you want to visit and select one of the hotels on the list

2. Rest your mouse pointer over the "Cancellation Terms" to see the cancellation policy that applies to the hotel room you are interested in.

Please note that different room types within the same hotel may have different cancellation conditions.

3. Once you have selected the hotel room you wish to book and added it to your shopping cart, the cancellation policy for the room will be clearly displayed on the page. Click "Continue" if everything is correct.

4. On the next page you will fill in your personal information, and at the bottom you will see SuperValu Getaway Break's cancellation policy. By clicking "Continue to Order" and completing your purchase, you confirm that you agree to these rules.